You might have heard about Google’s Panda, Penguin and EMD updates. To make a long story short – Google wants internet search to be perfect. They want to deliver results that matches your search perfectly. A big order. So over the past year or so they have changed the way they index web sites. The objective is to get rid of “bad” web sites, spam sites and sites created just to make money on advertising.
The result, however has been dramatic for thousands of web masters. Suddenly you find your site nowhere to be seen on the first 10 pages of Google. And you wonder why. Turns out that many real sites got penalized for no or little reasons. If your site got bumped – there are a few possible reasons:
1. The EMD update penalized sites for matching their desired keywords to the domain name. So if your domain name is and all the keywords and meta tags say Grimsby Plumbing Supplies you might have been penalized. To fix it – change the main keywords.
2. Duplicate content. If your content appears in too many other sites, or on your sites in different files – that’s a problem. Always write your own stuff.