Exact Match Keyword Domains

Exact Match Keyword Domains

There is much debate on this topic. Lately “experts” have stated that Google penalize sites with exact matching domains. For example, OHIOMEDICAIDAPPLICATION.COM is such a domain. This is one of my sites and is targeted to exactly the domain keywords. And it works. For a couple of reasons – it is a “readable” domain. I find that people will click on search engine listings with a readable, matching domain to their search. And in spite of what “they” say – Google indexes these domains and sites well. Even better, Bing likes matching domains – probably more so than Google.

However, if you are simply creating a domain for this purpose and the domain is not readable like get-payday-loans-now.com will probably be penalized and also not clicked on even if it does show up.

Bottom line – spammy domains and sites won’t do you any good. Clean, credible and keyword matching domains will do you a LOT of good. Of course, the site’s content also needs to be top notch and unique.
